I was early to buy two 1070s in hopes that Blender would quickly adopt them, this was only since 2.77. I used lazydodo’s custom Cuda binary kernel which worked but created many errors when using “rendered mode” in the viewport, sometimes it was ok but far from reliable…
After installing 2.78 I noticed I didn’t have to install the custom kernal, so I assume it is now included.
However to my dismay I can’t get blender to run in “rendered view” with any more stability than before and keep getting CUDA errors randomly after I add, edit or delete objects as well as make any changes (basically anything that invokes a re-render of the viewport).
It seems that if the scene is small it will manage to work for a while, but even modeling this electric arc is enough to repeatedly kill the rendered mode view and there’s no way to recover without a complete restart of Blender.
I have had no issue when it come to actual rendering, only the rendered mode viewport will crash randomly.
Here’s some images of the messages produced by Blender when things break:
Error Text:
CUDA error: Launch failed in cuMemcpyHtoD(cuda_device_ptr(mem.decvice_pointer).(void*)mem.data_pointer.mem.memory_size())
Honestly I’m hoping its my machine and not Blender its self, but I was wondering if anyone else has had any trouble with the application?