There’s a lot of great information online, there’s also a lot of misinformation online, and a lot of so-so information online. Subjective, and objective things. If you’re just starting out in something, like, say, blender, or writing, or exercise, there’s a massive amount of resources for beginners, but as you reach intermediate, and eventually advanced in a topic, it gets harder and harder to find anything useful online, largely because algorithms prop up the most popular things, which are the beginner resources, since most people never make it past a beginner stage, and never search for more advanced information.
That said, for writing in particular, I took a creative writing class at my local community college over a decade ago, and I think the most valuable thing my teacher taught us, was to stop stressing out, and stop editing ourselves right after a line, or before a line, just WRITE the only way to get better at something, is to just do it. No erasing, just keep writing, let it completely flow out of you. Don’t worry about whether or not its good, and recognize that you aren’t going to start writing today and become famous tomorrow, or next week, month, year, maybe ever. The biggest thing that holds back a writer, or any creative, procrastination, and fear of starting/failure.
If you wanna learn history, particularly roman history. The History of Rome, a podcast by Mike Duncan, is great. And he definitely mentions the books that he uses as his sources, so you could read all those yourself as well. He does another history podcast called “Revolutions” that I like too.
Writing is a big topic though, and I’m not sure if you’re saying you want to be an academic writer / a historian, or a screenplay writer or novelist, or journalist or what. But there’s a lot of different paths. Some of them might involve going to college, and you know, that’s not necessarily the worst thing. Obviously its outrageously expensive (in the us), but some people do it, and are very happy with their decision. There’s also substantially cheaper / basically free college in other countries if you’re willing to learn the language and move.