I’ve read somewhere that if you give an object a Timer property, the property will increase by 1 every second. I made some tests, but it didn’t work.
Is the Timer not working in 2.5 or is it just me being wrong?
Yes I’m sure. What I did was make a Timer property called time. Then I added a property Sensor that will end the object if time equals 20. But after 20 seconds, nothing happened…
Is there actually a way to make an actuator changing the property type so that the timer only start at a certain event like for example hitting the spacebar?
You could reset the timer property (property actuator setting the timer prop to 0). At this point you might need a second property (some sort of boolean flag) that is set to true when your event happens. Then you’d have two property sensors: one to check if the timer property is in an acceptable range and the other to check if your flag is true.