Is there a hotkey or some kind of addon for me to emulate a right click?

My mouse has a broken right click, and there are some things in Blender that I cannot do without right clicking, copying a driver to multiple objects.

Also, no, Context Menu key/Shift F10 doesn’t work as well as right clicking.

You can search all commands with F3 key, but it seems like it would be difficult to replace mouse buttons?

You would have to modify all keymaps.


If you are a Windows user, you can use a virtual mousepad.

Open the on-screen touchpad - Microsoft Support

Hmm… maybe some general keymapping with some mousedrivers like Meta-LMSRightClick

Properly windows (?.. i’m on linux)… so i guess:

Uh? The Touchpad option is not there, and there are no settings for it either.

I think this function only works on touch monitors. :thinking:

You can use the keyboard as a mouse in other ways.

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A wireless logitech mouse starts at 8 bucks, cheaper brands under 5.
I’d highly recommend to just buy a new one.


You can also repair or replace it using solder, soldering iron, and WD40. :thinking:
The mouse buttons are too weak :smile:


Yeah had the same thought, but didnt mention as not everbody is in love with soldering :grin:


But almost everyone has a damaged mouse in a drawer some place. :wink:

I normally strip my old mices for parts before throwing them away (specially the buttons, as they are more common to break), and even last week I add to replace a button from my current one :nerd_face:

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Ah, there we go. All I had to do was use the Mouse Keys feature. Thanks for your help!

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