Is there a tutorial for Baking soft bodies?

Hi, long time noob here.

I created a simple animation depicting soft body balls falling on a vase. Everything works fine, but I can’t seem to bake them, as the physics tab only allows me to bake rigid bodies. is there a set of instructions somewhere that teaches how to bake soft bodies?

did you make sure you enabled collisions for the vase by making it a Passive Object?

Yes, the vase has collision enabled. try this tutorial

@Pixelurge: thanks, but that video has nothing on baking. I can get my soft body animation to work properly, but at this point, I cannot find out how to bake it so I can submit it to Sheep It (free render farm) in order to render it. That is my problem.

it’s there

Thank you @jerzygorskiart! This solved the problem.