Is there a "volumetric knife" tool?

Is there a volumetric knife tool that cuts volumes instead of faces?

For example…

You have an object selected in edit mode. You draw a line with mouse/pen across the object. It can be straight line, or a free-form one The line cuts through the object and anything that it is to the left of it is removed. Resulting cut is filled with triangles/polys.

If the line makes a loop, it cuts through the model and then then:

  1. If the loop is clockwise, anything outside of the loop is removed.
  2. If it is counter-clockwise, the loop punches hole through the object.

The cut, once again, is closed wth triangles/polys.

Is there anything like this?

Bisect tooll

Checked it. It seems to be able to fill holes, that is good. However it doesn’t seem to support loop cuts, curved cuts and can’t be used to punch hole through an object. (also, it isn’t bound to hotkey for some reason).

Is there something similar that can cut (quickly) using curves and loops?