I was wandering if there’s a way in blender to change the orientation of a bone’s local axes.
Go into edit mode for the armature, select bone and adjust the Roll value in the Transform Properties box (N). Select Draw Axes in the editing buttons (F9) to see what you’re doing.
In the upcoming version of Blender (2.43), adjusting the roll value as RobinM will be much easier than it is now. You’ll be able to adjust it in a way similar to rotating the bone in posemode, by using the hotkey Ctrl R.
I have a similar problem. I see that I can adjust the roll of a bone by pressing N, and then typing in the roll angle. Is there any way to adjust this by using the mouse? when I hit R and rotate the bone, even when I select the local Y axis, the bone twists in all sorts of funny ways. I just want it to align with the global axis, and I can’t seem to do it. (My character was modeled in the crucifix-style, with the arms out, palms down, legs straight.)
In the upcoming version of Blender (2.43), adjusting the roll value as RobinM will be much easier than it is now. You’ll be able to adjust it in a way similar to rotating the bone in posemode, by using the hotkey Ctrl R.
Just above your post …
Yo Husam where do you live? Abu Dhabi?
Oh, I meant to say it didn’t work on my computer which is running OSX, but I just now realized that I’m using 2.41. Thanks!