Go to 24:15 it’s call dynamic in c4d and i wonder if maybe we have a tool or addon that can do similar behavior ;
It look amazing for animating a snake the motion is exactly how a snake move.
Go to 24:15 it’s call dynamic in c4d and i wonder if maybe we have a tool or addon that can do similar behavior ;
It look amazing for animating a snake the motion is exactly how a snake move.
Here i find another snake rig this time done in blender and i wonder how he setup the cobra hood with one single bone ;
Go to 1:48
The c4d thing reminded me of this thread. Looks similar.
The spline is changing based not just on its orientation, but on its history. Nothing in Blender works like that.
Edit: actually, there is one thing that works like that: one of the IK models: iTasc on Simulation mode. Maybe it could do something similar, I dunno.
Couldn’t tell you without looking at the model, which costs money that I don’t have, but there’s no reason that the single bone used to control the hood has to be the same bones that deform the hood. Imagine some extra spine bones with rotation->scale transformation constraints-- that would do this just fine. But that’s not the only way.
You can use soft body on a nurbs curve but I’m not sure you can have the same amount of control.
Hi Hadriscus thank for the tip but i was aiming at spline IK since for a snake that’s what we use normally but this dynamic system in C4d is simply sick for animating a snake or any similar creature.
Just to say that I found this that may be interesting to study the snake movement (you can download the video if your web browser cannot play it)
Thank Ztreem and indeed it look very similar and i wonder if C4d use the same kind of cloth algorithm like this guy or it’s all based on complex math.
I download the 2.79 version to test it on my snake rig and will comment back.
Fortunately there is an addon that do something similar here it’s call ghost IK ;
Regarding the hood rigging i was aiming at blend shape since it would be the easiest way to do it.
Thank Yafu that’s a good reference specially view from top and it’s exactly like he is riding a wave.
I know we can add a sine math formula to get that kind of movement but i am not familiar enough with blender driver to see how to do it and it has to be animation i can bake and export to UE4.
Then you could drive the shapekey from a single bone, that works too.
Yep and since i model the cobra with hood deployed i will simply use shrinkwrap modifier to conform to a cylinder and relax my edge loop with loop tool.
I plan to do a complete snake rigging tutorial since this is something you cannot find anywhere except for the casual one done with curve modifier or with a bone IK setup. I was surprise no one did a tutorial with the spline IK.
My game need the cobra to be very realistic and it will have a broad range of movement + tongue and spitting animations. My biggest challenge is to have all these animations blending perfectly together and to be loop where possible.