Is there an alternative .OBJ exporter?

I’d need an alternative .OBJ exporter because the .OBJ’s, Blender (2.57) creates are somewhat all messed up and don’t work with any other 3D-program (includes numerous OBJ-viewer programs)…
I DO really need an exporter that creates usable 3D OBJ-files…

Thanks in advance.

Can you be more specific and give an example of what doesn’t work ?

I’m afraid that’s not possible.
Loading the mesh into any other program (with exception of blender of course) just isn’t feasible.

I already thought about exporting the mesh as STL or 3DS and later convert it into OBJ, but there isn’t any free convertor out there…

just isn’t feasible.

I don’t understand what you mean ?

Well, other programs cannot load the 3D file.

But it’s not really important anymore, I just use 2.49 instead.
Isn’t really great for the workflow, but it (at least) works.

I’ve not had problems loading .objs exported from blender 2.57 into multiple different applications. If this is a bug you should report it to the bug tracker (link in the blender hlep menu) so any issues can be fixed for other users who may be in the same situaltion.

I as well can not get the OBJ. exporter to work. I will report it as a bug