is there an easier way??

how do I move data from one scene to another
(using 2.49b) <3 <3

2.5 still beta </3

if you could please tell me before I hit the bed :confused: (in 3 hrs)

I assume you mean scenes as in multiple scenes within a blend file. To link an object to another scene, have the new scene created, select your object and use Ctrl+L+1 / choose the scene. The object will then be linked in both scenes. Then in the new scene to make the object a single user select it and use U / 2 in object mode.
If you mean scenes as in transferring objects/materials/lights etc from one blend to another, use Shift+F1 to append between different blend files.
If thatā€™s not what you meant be more specific in your question

I was specificā€¦
I know how to link dataā€¦
I want to move data

lets just say I have a mesh with good VGroups and bad UVā€™s in one sceneā€¦
but the same mesh with good UVā€™s and a rig, but no VGroups in another
^I blame the collada importers DX

I only want 1 sceneā€¦

so thereā€™s my prob
how do I get that fixed??

Iā€™ve been working with this dae all dayā€¦
(had to practically hand-write it from hex data)
so itā€™s quite reasonable Iā€™d be Pā€™d right nowā€¦

nothing has been working right and Iā€™m about to just quit on itā€¦


ā€˜News & Discussionā€™ is not a support forumā€¦

ā€¦so itā€™s quite reasonable Iā€™d be Pā€™d right now.

well I figured out how to copy it to another sceneā€¦
ā€œMake Linksā€ to scene and ā€œMake Localā€

on to figuring out the VGroups
now I just need to know how to make them show in the other meshā€¦
(since I can now delete the other scene)


aww comon D:<
donā€™t steal my line

there isnā€™t really a place to post someth-
wait a minuteā€¦ facepalm

can an admin please move my thread to the correct placeā€¦
sry I didnā€™t notice it beforeā€¦

If you want to copy a UV layout from one object to another thats simple, just use the copy uv script from the scripts window. If you want to copy vertex groups you can do that in an around about way with joining the objects in the correct order and deleting doubles. You could also look at using linked meshes as a way of copying vertex groups.These are just general principles which may vary dependant on the particular case you have.
Edit. The latest builds of blender 2.5 with the copy attribute addon also allows you to copy other types of data than you can in 2.49b.


thank you.

all I have to do is parent the bones now.

you may delete this thread if you wish :slight_smile: