I want to export the data from the ipo editor to a different program (such as microsoft excel). Is there an easy way to do this?
I want to export the data from the ipo editor to a different program (such as microsoft excel). Is there an easy way to do this?
i dont know if this allready exsisted so i wrote a py script to do this. it works on blender 2.54 and it saves a file in the directory of blender with the data in collums. you can import this file in excel.
the py script exports all the fcurves of the selected object.
if you want and would use this often i could also make a user interface…
Export fcurves.blend (515 KB)
i made a few small changes to the script (to save the file as a csv file because thats easyer to import in excel)
Export fcurves.blend (515 KB)
Oh wow that’s great! I mean that is exactly what I need. However, I am using 2.49b. Can I use this in that version or can I open my file in ver 2.54? And, yes, I would use it a lot. I am actually a college student (psychology major) and am attempting to make a 3d simulation for an experiment I want to run. One of the problems I am running into is getting data from blender into programs that are better for scientific analysis of data.
where does it export the data in which folder ?
i check and it’s nto in the local folder i think!
happy 2.5
wel it exports the data in the folder were blender is installed in or in the folder were the .blend file is saved. this is my first python script and i’m stil strugeling to get it to save somewere else.
i don’t realy know if you can use 2.49 file in blender 2.5 :s. but i don’t really think so :s
i finaly maniged to make the gui for the script. could someone test it and tell my if it works because it works on my windows but not on my linux which is stange.
Export fcurves.blend (606 KB)
I tried it on r32707 (2.54) on OS X as well as r32844 (2.55) on OS X. In both instances the beginning of a GUI appears but nothing is in it. Screenshot attached. I’m not very good at python but I’ll try to find where it stops working. No errors show up in the console or report windows.