Ok hi everyone, some of you know about my movie I am making: THE EXODUS. (go in the wip forum in the topic : Short movie (And interactive?) in the work)
In the movie the tactical officer of my ship (THE USS EXPLORER) will talk to explain what appen …blablabla…
And I wish a girl can make the voice for it…I was playing homeworld some time ago and I liked the voice of the mothership…So if there is any girl out there please help me!
sorry im not female, but hey give this a try, its a demo thing, that works like simple text, you type in your dialogue and choose an accent, male/female/ and you can save it to your hd as a .wav file. i dunno might be what your looking for.
I would like to change my voice and see if t work…but I dont have a microphone (is it this in english…). I ask ingiebee but she said that she wasn’t a good actress…
It will not be the ship who talk but an officer in it!!
When a fighter will be coming a voice will say something like : Ohh nooo!!
and the another will say: Lock all weapon on that vessel sir!
hey this is a ‘perfect’ set for picking up the chicks man!
yeah, go on the street, find some blazing hottie, tell her you are doing a movie and need her voice! Then tell her that the person needs to say <your script here> then at the end of the script to add a phone number. While you can’t think of a fake number off the top of your head, just tell her to use hers for now.
That’s SURE to work!
I need some coffee…