Is there any girl here?

Ok hi everyone, some of you know about my movie I am making: THE EXODUS. (go in the wip forum in the topic : Short movie (And interactive?) in the work)

In the movie the tactical officer of my ship (THE USS EXPLORER) will talk to explain what appen …blablabla…
And I wish a girl can make the voice for it…I was playing homeworld some time ago and I liked the voice of the mothership…So if there is any girl out there please help me!

Thank you very much! :smiley:

sorry im not female, but hey give this a try, its a demo thing, that works like simple text, you type in your dialogue and choose an accent, male/female/ and you can save it to your hd as a .wav file. i dunno might be what your looking for.

There are at least 5. I do remember their nicks but privacy rules… Go to the chat forum and search for a sex poll, was held some times ago.


I know one Blendergirl in Poland.
Guys -she ROCKS :smiley: 8) :stuck_out_tongue: :o

I would like to change my voice and see if t work…but I dont have a microphone (is it this in english…). I ask ingiebee but she said that she wasn’t a good actress…

is ingiebee a girl :o …i thought she(he :-? ) was male.

Well, what is it?

wow, thank you for noticeing that i never posted the url, well here it is very sorry :wink:

WOW! thanks scrappy!!! I will probably used it! It seem they dont have any expression!

Maybe you should start going out so that you can meet some real life women, ya know what i’m saying :wink:

that should be perfect then, i wouldn’t expect a ship to have expression in its voice.

It will not be the ship who talk but an officer in it!!
When a fighter will be coming a voice will say something like : Ohh nooo!!
and the another will say: Lock all weapon on that vessel sir!

hey this is a ‘perfect’ set for picking up the chicks man!
yeah, go on the street, find some blazing hottie, tell her you are doing a movie and need her voice! Then tell her that the person needs to say <your script here> then at the end of the script to add a phone number. While you can’t think of a fake number off the top of your head, just tell her to use hers for now. :stuck_out_tongue:
That’s SURE to work! :wink:
I need some coffee…


The English female sounds pretty natural. Here’s something I think we should all hear:

Have the last US Female (USF012) on the list say “Like totally!”

Have fun!