Is there any way to convert Mesh to Nurbs using Python

Some people talk about nurbs and mesh. In blender we can create lot of mesh. Is there any way to convert mesh to Nurbs?

Possible but youd need to have a mesh that was structured right.
practically I dont think its that doable, not at the moment anyhow.

Converting a polygonal mesh to a NURBS surface is definately non-trivial. The only software I know of that can do it reliably is Rhino, and they just make every face a separate NURBS surface - not very useful at all.

Its two completely different world-views - you can go from NURBS to polys easily, but not so easily the other way around.

If you figure out how to do it - by all means share!


Is nurbs better then poly?
2 years ago I downloaded Maya5 PLE and done some work in Nurbs. There were some models in nurbs and they were looking like real. Whey Poly model don’t look like that?
Is any C program to make nurbs surface?

Suppose: I get Blender->add Mesh->Sphere
This is tructured right, Now I want this to be converted to Nurbs, how to do?


A sphere is not a problem - you could easily create a NURBS surface based on the radius, but more complex surfaces? Very difficult. Not possible in Blender.


I don’t know of anything that can automatically convert meshes to nurbs in Blender or Python.

However, the math does exist to make this feasible. There’s already T-Splines for Maya released in '06 (T-Splines for Rhino in beta). RapidForm and Geomagic have each developed their own technology to do this, and have been selling it for at least three years.

Sure, these are commercial applications, but they will inspire OpenSource and Blender development just as those that have gone before.


Polytrans is a standlone app that may do it.