Is there anyway to make an object gets not affected by the 2D Filters?

I want a Motion Blur (default) filter, but I want the filter to not work on the camera.
Is there anyway to do this? :spin:

You don’t want the blur effect to work on the camera? You mean you want all objects to blur their movement, but you don’t want to have the scene blur when the camera moves or rotates?

No, that’s impossible, unfortunately. The motion blur in the BGE works by layering the previously rendered frame on top of the current one at a lesser alpha percentage (basically making “trails”). It’s viewport-wide.

The filter will no exclude anything (as SolarLune already mentioned) due to the post-processing of the already rendered image.

The filter will work on a single scenes output only. This means you could render another scene on top of the filtered one (overlay scene). Be aware the objects of the filtered scene will not overlap the overlay scene.

Background scenes will be filtered as it’s output gets rendered into it’s overlay scenes.

Okay thanks for the answers guys :slight_smile: