I am making a mod with other guy for the game Freespace2 (I know I already talk about that here but…) and I maked a webiste ( http://mysite.iptic.com/xwarrior/Blackoceans.html ) but I dont think it is enough good…so I want to know if someone here want to participate by making a webiste for our mod. Thank you!
well, I want a top frame that will not load everytime I hit a link. I will put a banner on the top frame with 6 links under it (News, Screenshots, Story, About us, Download and forum). If you can make a good background it would be cool! The star is too long to load…
if so then check my site http://www.alienhelpdesk.com
there’s some scripts in the “free scripts” section that can make site design easier. I can help you incorporate them too, if you want.
basicly with these scripts I can make a small/new site in no time at all.