Is this true? gtx750ti-vs gtx580

Time to change my computer, and studing the thread completeguide, started by johnatanW, and it´s link to systemagnostic, If I haven´t missunderstand, that excepting titan, gtx 580 was the fastest at the time of making the comparative, even than gtx6xxx series.

I would like, attending to your experiencies, your opinions, If that is still true for gtx7xx series.
So, first question: a) I mean, is still gtx580faster for rendering?, or it´s faster now, for example a gtx750ti.
second quiestion: b) two 580 will render in cycles faster than one 750?
third: c) two 580 will render faster than a titan, as I´ve read in other thread “Graphic card choice”

Thanks for your replies!.

1.) Yes, they are about 25% faster. However, they consume 3-4x the wattage of a 750ti plus are pretty old in general. 2.) Of course. 3.) Depending on the scene that might be true.

Just get a (dual) 750TI for now. They are fast for Cycles, consume little wattage, are silent and can easily be stacked without some expensive power supply. Only downside is that they dont come in 4GB versions and do not support SLI.