Is "use blender materials" broke in RC1?

I have to admit i’m really not sure if I’m using the blender materials correctly, but i can’t seem to get them to show up in RC1. Anyone else having this problem.

The reason I ask is I want to try blending materials using vertex paint but i think this is the first step.


I am not sure what is an is not broken… but…

You are using an older version…

You can get a newer version here:

Hope that helps :slight_smile:

sorry i should have said I was using preview 12, ie the one in your link

maybe its just not set up yet

Maybe I simply don’t understand what the option “Use Blender Materials” actually does. Looking at the lightmapping preview on the fps template all of the faces have been mapped using the UV image editor. I know this because if I select the faces I see that the image has been applied though the image editor, but then it has been redundently applied through the material editor in one of the 8 texture blocks. I thought if you used the blender materials you wouldn’t need to use the image editor to apply the images to a face.

If I wanted to use blender materials I should just have to set up my UV corridinates in the image editor, but never have to link the image. I would instead load the image for a texture in the material/texture editors that is being mapped to the uv corridinate that I’ve just setup. That was the impression that i was under. Am I wrong?

just checked it in 2.42a and it works the way I described above so I guess yep … broke. But with out it how can you get lightmapping or normal mapping or a bunch of glsl shaders. Glsl uses the textures blocks to grap the information from.

And I dont’ think i can test any further, I think my Gforce2 mx 400 doesn’t support multiply textures anyway since the light mapping file doesn’t show any light mapping in the newest preview. Does it look like it should for anyone else.

In the graphics demos here: there is a demo called GLInfo.blend. This demo will tell you what’s supported by your graphics card. Unfortunately the minimum requirement to use blender materials is multi texturing support. So I guess the thing to ask is, do or have any of the demos ever worked for you?

Geforce2 graphics cards are old so I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t work. The last time I had one it was right after C&C Generals (initial game) came out

Thanks guys … the woes of being stuck on an older computer over the holiday break. I’ll check the demo’s tomorrow morning.