Is Wu...

I believe it’s time to allow the community to voice it’s opinion. I think the title speaks for itself.

Wu, we are brothers. There is no need to be insulting like this.



The Wu-tastic lover of all!


Yes, wu-tastic lover of all ladies. that’s what I meant… :smiley:

I think he wandered in the women’s department of a big store and got lost and still can’t find his way out. I think the people there brainwashed him into a lady loving zombie. We need to rescue him and bring him back to not loving ladies and doing boy stuff. :wink:

Sure you did… yeah, of course…

You forgot to add “Champion”. Wu is also a fearless leader :smiley:

what a mistake this thread was Skittles, my ego is big enough, and now you go and make a thread about me, ohhhh i’m going to enjoy this!!!

i also wonder how fast this thread will be locked, oh wait, BgDM moderates this section, he will be too busy eating twinkies to even notice it, then their is SamAdam who couldnt lock a thread to save his life, does everyone remeber the time he wrote “Locked” and that looser didnt even lock it, haha, what a ballbag.

and lord knows how many women will post on this thread only to confirm my pimp master flex status.

its a damn shame to have so much skill with the ladies, you could give me a bowl hair cut like osxrules, you could give me buck teeth like Skittles, you could give me sunken in eye sockets like Sago, you could give me a mutton mullet like theeth, you could give me a pig belly like BgDM, you could give me fat oak tree leggs like Alltaken, you could give me small genitals like traitor, and you could give me a Vrooom jacket like Ton, and i would still get more tail then any man on the face of this F(((King earth!!!

I wonder if we could put him in a mental ward or lunatic asylum.

and i would still get more tail then any man on the face of this F(((King earth!!!

You need to be in one of those facilities badly, your case is worse then most of the others that would qualify. When your done you’ll be a simple regular average not caring about girls average joe. Or just your total obcession about girls and such that would make it into Ripley’s would be gone.

You certainlly got the tounge for it :wink: :wink:

fuck wu

Some people may wonder why I posted this thread. Let me tell you; this is the last “conversation” I had with Wu. You shall know the truth:


Skittles, I am happy to see you.  
How are you, my brother?


No more brothers, Wu.


Of course we are brothers.  Why do you
say that? You hurt me, Skittles.


You f**k'd me, Wu.


I did not.


You Blended behind my back and you cut me


No, I never.  I would not do that,
Skittles.  Never.


I talked to Ton, Wu.

There is a pause. Wu’s goons ready their Blending boxes as Wu
scoops up a cringer with his pinky and sniffs.


Maybe you are right.  I did betray you a
little bit.

One of the men says something in C# and everyone laughs.
Skottish is furious. He starts to tremble and his face turns

Wu: (CONT’D)

Oh, boo hoo, boo hoo.  So sad, Skittles.
I stole your 3D connection.  So
what?  Who introduced you to Sago?  
Me.  Who introduced you to
your f**k'ng Blending wife?  Me.  Who
protected you when my friend Basse
wanted to slice your f**k'ng throat,
huh?  Who made you millions and millions
of renders?  Me.  And what do I get in
return?  This?  Accusations?  I have
always given you everything, Skittles, but
that is over now.  This is my operation.
My dream.  So go home, Skittles.  Go back
to your stupid little Linux fantasy. You can
sell reflective half spheres to your f**k'ng
relatives for all I care.  Because you
are out!

Skottish lunges at Wu and is immediately grabbed.


You'd better kill me now, Wu, because
you're a dead man.


Skittles, don't be so emotional.  This is
business.  Besides, I can't kill you,
you are my brother.

They lead him away.

Does everyone understand now?

But of course… It all makes perfect senes… :wink:

You should’ve put crazy loony as part of the poll options. He is crazy.

I know. He’s a freak’n nut-job.

His obcession over girls, his constant believing he’s the top of the world, his avatar, what more do you want, he needs a mental ward to take care of him, and I mean now would be a good time.

I was wondering when i would pay for that. You obviously havent been to New Zealand, Alltaken actually only has one leg, the one that looks like his right leg is actually… yeah buddy, we’re all like that down here :wink: