Issue with denoiser

Hi. I am using this node setup to denoise (its from ecycles and the creator claims that the issue does not have to do with ecycles, but blender).

I am trying to see if there is any way to fix this:

The gradient (yellowish band) from top to bottom should not be there. This is something it comes after the denoiser processes the image.

This is the denoise setup:

Here is the file:
ecyclesdenoiser.blend (1.1 MB)

Ecycle creator suggested could be a bug from Blender and I should report it. If that is the case I will do it , but first I would like to be 100% sure this is a bug and not something with the setup.

thank you!

There’s something wrong about that file. I did some tweaking and still got those weirds squares at the gradient. I just opened a new Blender file with a Nishita sun, rendered and it’s normal.

Here’s my scene: denoise_test.blend (1.0 MB)

Beauty pass reconstruction is ok, but that last Mix node it’s off. I’m positive that is not a Blender problem.

For more details about render passes:

Hi Lucas. Thank you for your answer. Unfortunately I communicated it wrong. I think you are focusing in the artifacts on the sphere and I am talking about this:

That is the way the atmosphere scatters the morning sunlight. Without opening the file (I’m not at my computer), I am guessing that you have the background set to transparent under the Film menu in the viewport so you don’t see the environment background. In the compositor you are adding the background back into the image.

Disconnect the “Env” pass.

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When reconstructing the beauty pass, there isn’t an alpha channel for each one of them. You need to add a Set Alpha node after everything, and them Denoise it.

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Thank you ! During the day I found that if I disconnect the Environment Pass then it works.
The important thing here it is that its not a Blender issue as Ecycles support said…but It is about the node structure.