Issue with rigging hard surface object

Hi! I’m encountering an issue trying to rig the lock mechanism for a cargo container. (All parts are in the same object).

I’ve made this basic rig that’s supposed to rotate all the necessary parts, all the movements needed are just rotations. The main bone that rotates the whole door works as expected. All the other bones are parented to this one and move along when it rotates, as they should.

All weights have been assigned by selections, each part has a full weight for the bone that governs it.

The issue I’m encountering is that while I’d expect rotating the bone would rotate the whole part without deform, deformation still happens in a weird way like in the following screenshots :

I’m relatively new to rigging so I can’t figure out why Blender is acting like this!

You need to look into using constraints. They will get you what you are trying to achieve.
This is the best tutorial I have seen by Index3d
Playlist > HERE

It’s probably weighted to other bones in the armature. Select a vertex and look on sidebar/item/vertex weights. Remove all weights that aren’t to the bone you want it to move with.

Yes that’s what was causing the issue! Thanks