Issues with rotation

Hey, this is my first post here, I’m an absolute newbie to blender and have just been playing around with simple geometric shapes to get a feel for it. I’m running into a problem with rotation. In the file I have attached, I’m trying to rotate an object, around its own centre (although another issue is that the only way I can seem to get it to do this is by aligning the 3d cursor as accurately as I can to the centre and using it as pivot-point…which doesn’t seem like the most accurate way to do it). When I rotate the object manually, it behaves how I’d expect, but then when I animate it it rotates in a totally crazy way and I have no idea why…
Anyone who can shed light on this I’ll be very grateful!
Cheerswhat the fuck is happening.blend (384 KB)

You are animating both rotation and translation and the object origin (around which the rotation keyframes use) is not in the centre of the object. You can set the object origin to the centre of the object using the ‘Set origin’ option in the toolshelf or the Object / Transform menu. Then just animate the rotation value


Well actually…I am still having the same problem with this file here crossything.blend (380 KB), despite having set the origin to the centre. it happens whatever I use as the pivot point. when I rotate along the y axis, visually everything is aligned correctly, yet when I animate it it makes this strange dip…I’m totally confused as have managed to achieve the same incredibly simple thing before with another project and can’t see any difference between what I did there and what I’ve done here … this is so frustrating!

BUMP cos I’m really stuck here still…