It all comes together (How?!?!?)

I just viewed a very thorough scene in blender, from wires, to guns, to the gun mounts, everything was awesome! My modeling skills need work (I’m still fresh, not new, fresh =D) and i can understand making each individual object, but how in the world do you bring them together in a final masterpiece? How can you make all the puzzle pieces fit together? That confuses me lol, some help or direction to tutorials would be nice ^^ Thanks! Oh and I’m new so im not sure if this is the right place to post either lol ^^

Google is your friend, try searching Blender 2.5 tutorials.
That said here are a few sites that have video tutorials.

Lol Thank you, guru and nerd i have not been to, cookie im a big fan of lol, ill keep searching google then ^^

No problem, the way I’ve personally learned (well other than learning animating in 2.x a few years back) is to focus on one thing at a time. For example if you’ll be using blender to do short animations and you’re not using another app to model, then modeling should be your focus, then move to materials or uvs, then texturing and so on.
Read and watch everything that interests you as you may forget the exacts but should have a general idea of where or what you’re looking for. :smiley:

I think it’ll depend a lot on what you want to set up in the scene, and there might be different concerns depending on whether you’re creating a still image or an animation.

There’s a number of ways to combine many different elements and objects in a scene. They can be spread across different layers, or remain separate but all be on the same layer, or you can join them all into one object to make it easily portable. If you do that, you can still highlight the separate parts in edit mode. I wouldn’t recommend that for animation, though, but for setting up a still image you can use any of the above methods.

Unless I’m missing how you mean “fit together”…