It comes

Harry Potter and The Deathy Hallows will be released on July 21st, 2007. Just thought I’d share that with any of you who might be fans…


Ye-yeah! Must …order…What do you think of the title? I find it a bit weird… Doesn’t really seem to fit in with the rest of the series. Oh well. Jk can basically do whatever she wants:eek:.

The 21st?!?!

“Book 7 - 7/7/7” would’ve been the BEST marketing slogan in ages and they let that opportunity go?! :eek:

Anyway, looking forward to it. :smiley:

yeah, it makes me a little sad. still, it’s not like the HP series needs a bigger fanbase. lol

hmmm, The Deathly Hallows… JK’s goin’ goth

For all you non-brits, 7/7 2005 was the date of the London tube and bus bombings. Therefore it was felt to be somewhat in bad taste to have the book release on the 2nd annual memorial of it.

But as for Harry Potter… yay! Except I’m somewhat scared that it’ll be really sad…

@blenditall: oh yeah. She owns her readership and she knows it. I wouldn’t be too surprised if people started camping in front of bookstores.

Hmm, she said she was going to end the series definitely with this one, and the series has taken a definite twist into ‘tragic’. I wonder if she’s going to…

Eh, I’ll just wait for it. :smiley:

O wow, magical stories, so much “magical goodness”. Yay, candy mountain:

Harry potter is bullshit.

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You are so right. We should all stop reading, right now.

Oh farts, Harry Crapper, I thought that last one that came out was alright, but this stuff is retarded. I remember when the first Harry Potter movie came out there were kids dressed like him running around waving wands. I wanted to puke.

jack black- i’ll tell you whats retarted

dont mess with the wu, and dont mess with hairy potter…END IT!!..NOW!!

lol where do you find this stuff? The white unicorn kinda sounds like Carl from ATHF.

Well, you have to keep in mind, it’s directed toward children. It’s like me saying “Dora the Explorer is bullshit”

Dont listen to Wu, he has no authority here. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, regardless of whether wu-man likes it or not.

But Dora is Bullpoo. :ba:

Well then I suppose Winnie the Poo and Bambi are bullshit too.

the first step is admitting you have a problem, Social. :rolleyes:

Well, you have to keep in mind, it’s directed toward children.
if that were true, you, social, and jackblack would be huge fans. :slight_smile:

It’s not just for kids! The latest ones especially! They don’t focus as much on the magic as the emotion.

Anyway, yay!!! The 21st’s going straight in the diary!


you like harry potter AND have a diary? i feel like a sissy just being in the same country as you.
no offense(that doesnt change it at all does it?)

Actually, I LOVE Harry Potter (love as in like a lot, not love as in… well, you know what I mean…), and the diary is just my homework diary from school.
And no, it doesn’t change anything :wink:
Go Harry Potter!

So, now for the question on everyone’s mind:

Who would win in a fight, the AWESOME and SUPER-MANLY Super Wu-Man? or the devious, all-mighty, homicidal maniac, Lord Voldemort?

let the battle begin!!!