It is possible to use to actions/ animation s in the same time?

For example human rights has two animation s one is walking and one is checking the watch.
Is it possible to use just lower body/walking and from time to time upper body/ checking the watch?
So when npc is checking the watch he is still walking.

If all he does is walk and check his watch you could just repeat the walk cycle on the same action, and randomly have the person check their watch.
Or more difficult add just an animation to the arm with the watch that follows the walk cycle and randomly checks with a different animation and then layer the animations on top of each other.

this doesn’t really answer the question:
Something else you could do to give the NPC random times where he will stop and check his watch that way you don’t have to layer the two animations.

if this is too confusing I can reword it or make a basic .blend for you

Check out the NLA editor in blender. With it you can blend multiple actions like animation layers.

Do you have an example please of mixing animation?

Thanks @fredstash , I’m not so interested in the randomness I more interested on how to mix the animations same time simple and effortless.

Thank you.

I’ve found this old video as well: