what makes it so slow, i mean orange project
whats the hardist part in whole project? modeling texturing? or rendering?
what makes it so slow, i mean orange project
whats the hardist part in whole project? modeling texturing? or rendering?
Sketching /character design
Story boarding
Coding new features within blender
Making high poly models
Rigging each model
Making the scenes
Creating textures
Texturising it all properly
Setting up the lighting properly
testing scenes /test renders
Lip syncing /Voice acting
Rendering the final product in HD…
I dont know? why do you think it takes so long?
And don’t forget smoking weed makes you work slower (hey, why do you think ED’s story is the way it is).
Seeing the result I think they used every minute they had.
Amen to that! Just look at the detail in the movie!
Making movies is a huge amount of work. Look at the credits for an animated Hollywood production some time.
Just of the top of my head, “Finding Nemo” took about 3 years, iirc. The list of technical people in the credits is almost endless.
And then going back redoing some/all of the steps:rolleyes:
Weed actually made me work harder and more focused.
The only problem was that the next day I could throw away about 99% :]
Even those 3 minutes shorts of Pixar takes years to complete. But I don’t take they spend 40 hours a week on those shorts.
That 6 months included the equivalent of 125 days of rendering on Bowie State University’s xseed cluster (224 G5 processors).
I think some of work on the detail in this video could have been better focused on making the story longer and the plot better. A friend even went so far as to call it a tech demo…
It is just my opinion, don’t eat me alive for it.
I love the sarcasm. That is funny lukus!
I “secretly” started a movie. It is planned on being less than 10 minutes. I haven’t it mentioned at the forum here, to avoid embarrassment, in-case I never finished it. I did publish a few video bytes, but didn’t say it was for a huge project of mine in the works. You always see a noobie member asking for people to help on a idea for a possible movie, and suddenly get shot down. I have a project that is ready to animate, literally. I got stuff to show.
Anyhow, it has taken me over 8 months, all by myself, to create 3 characters. Rig them so that they actually work with moving hands, eyelids, eyeballs, etc… I also did the lip-sync of the entire alphabet for each character using all RVK slots available in Blender. There is even softbody applied to a fat character, to give that bouncing belly effect. I duplicated that character for other scenes, without the softbody, to save on rendering time. I created a studio stage with detailed scenery and props. This setup is so cool. I wish somebody else like me could help me finish it. I need practice on animating moving people naturally.
I didn’t just toss this together. The scenes look good and the characters look good.
(this explains why I have asked many noob questions in recent months)
NOW, the average scene at 320X240 (using Blender’s rendering engine - not YafRay), takes about 20 seconds per frame. My video is 30 fps, so figure the math. 8 minutes for one second of video!
It has taken a huge amount of time, and starting all over several times, just to keep the poly count down, yet keeping the details real enough.
I plan on creating the movie, and editing it, just like a home movie. You get your scenes. Re-shoot some scenes from different angels. Take all of those pieces and use real editing software. Add FX, sounds music etc…
You also need a story that has quality and content. A well animated move sucks if the plot is crappy or has no meaning.
With all of that said, and there is a lot more to say, it is amazing that anyone completes a movie in Blender at all.
I can’t believe anyone is IGNORANT enough to have to ask this question on the blender forums! I’ve seen this question twice! There were only 10 people working on this. And it has a professional score!! I’d like to see anyone make a 10 minute animation in less than 6 months as professional as this. Hand drawn or computer generated.
I can’t believe anyone is IGNORANT enough to have to ask this question on the blender forums!
don’t forget most of the members of this forum are kids and don’t know any better.
thank you forgive my ignorance
Thanks for clearing that up, mate. :rolleyes:
NOW, the average scene at 320X240 (using Blender’s rendering engine - not YafRay), takes about 20 seconds per frame. My video is 30 fps, so figure the math. 8 minutes for one second of video!
Hey Spin, get a new calculator or be prepared for a big surprise. 30x20sec = 600 seconds = 10 minutes per second.
I am no math magician. Just an srtist.
I do need a new calculator. The one I use has faded LEDs and the in WinBLOWS takes forever to find, and it is clumsy to use.
I am no math magician. Just an srtist.
Looks like you need a new dictionary too.
lol, spin incase that didn’t tip you off, <whispers> it’s mathematician </whispers>