It worked before??

ok i have a save script

g = GameLogic
c = g.getCurrentController()
o = c.getOwner()
scene = g.getCurrentScene()
PlayerList = scene.getObjectList()
saveFile = open("Game1.sav", "w")
saveFile.write("This is a valid save file
for i in range(0,len(PlayerList)):
    obj = PlayerList[i]
    if hasattr(obj,"character"):
        cubePosi = obj.getPosition()
        cubeRot = obj.getOrientation()  
    for x in range(len(cubePosi)):
        saveFile.write(str(cubePosi[x]) + "
    for x in range(len(cubeRot)):
        for y in range(len(cubeRot[x])):
                saveFile.write(str(cubeRot[x][y]) + "

and a load script

g = GameLogic
c = g.getCurrentController()
o = c.getOwner()
scene = g.getCurrentScene()
PlayerList = scene.getObjectList()
cubePosi = o.getPosition()
cubeRot = o.getOrientation()
loadFile = open("Game1.sav", "r")
header = loadFile.readline()
header = header[0:-1]
if header == "This is a valid save file":
    for i in range(0,len(PlayerList)):
        obj = PlayerList[i]
        if hasattr(obj,"character"):
            for x in range(len(cubePosi)):
                loadCoord = loadFile.readline()
                cubePosi[x] = float(loadCoord[0:-1])
            for x in range(len(cubeRot)):
                for y in range(len(cubeRot[x])):
                    loadCoord = loadFile.readline()
                    cubeRot[x][y] = float(loadCoord[0:-1])

if i save than load it give me a wierd error and everything position and orientation gets really messed up

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 18, in <module>
ValueError: empty string for float()

the weirdest thing is that it worked fine yesterday,
thanks ahead of time,
Joel-Scorched Earth Games

the problem seems to be the

loadCoord = loadFile.readline()
cubePosi[x] = float(loadCoord[0:-1])

the error returned is the result of the readline() command returning an empty string (is there an empty line in your file? or not as many as you are trying to read?).

i tryed to change that, but nothing worked, not a single empty line, im not the most expeirienced with python either