:smiley: haha I’m finaly done, actualy it still needs sound and I wish I had real dynamics I had to animation :wink: mock them ( it isn’t the best ), anyway C&c would be cool…

at the beginning the lamp moves… awkwardly… dunno quite how to say it, so i’ll use awkwardly… or funny… that works too…

nice animtated stuff :slight_smile:

at the beginning the lamp moves… awkwardly… dunno quite how to say it, so i’ll use awkwardly… or funny… that works too…

yeah I know what you mean, I tried to make it look like wind was blowing it, but well blender dosn’t have dynamics, this would be a peace of cake in max :-? well it wasn’t all blenders falt I could have animated it a lil blender :Z

anyway I thank yall for the comments :wink:

I can drop you my music :wink: [very heavy]