
Well, No reason for this pic, no story, no title…
its something I did at 1am this morning, total time working on it: <10 minutes. I hit the render button and went to bed, woke up to see the final results, and well…its different, but I kinda like it…

~200K, large image here.

Pretty nice :slight_smile:

Like the ship and lighting scheme.

Wat’s the spider-like thing top right?


its a Shadow.
(the name given to the ships of the species “The Shadows”)


Fine motion blur.

Really nice. Only thing that I think could improve it a bit would be some DOF.

Great particle system!


Very nice,
it’s look good,
good job

Logik_Guy :wink:

Aaah, Babylon 5. Well taht was fine, fine Sci-fi tv series. Liked it a lot.

Jah, the picture alos looks exxellent

Tough that spin off series wich had those technomages was pure s**t.

Cool !! New Wallpaper for me :smiley:


Wow really cool :smiley:

i love the lighting an coloring, it brings a lot of life into one single frame. good job man. very professional.


yes, nice scenery !

and cool theme too !

I loved Babylon 5 when it was on tv…really nice series :slight_smile:

It looks like they are all about to get whiped out by that big blowing up thing behind them. Nice work.