ITs done Its finally done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:smiley: :smiley: Its done its finally done :smiley: :smiley: i have my 2 games on

tell me which 1 you liked more please :smiley:

bah, and I don’t get to know what they are?

haven’t voted, but I guess the racing one I found the most interesting.
but mainly that was wondering how you moved the other cars around (ipo btw)

now, make the turning faster in it and I’ll be much more entertained.

I didn’t get the other one until re-reading your post, after which I still haven’t played it.

The pushing off ledge one is pretty nice, the ai could use some work though :slight_smile:

All you have to do to psyche it out is dodge its first attack, then wait for it to circle you then get close enough to the edge that it circles right off the ledge:)

The racing is fun, I like the bumpy walls they make navigating more important.

Keep working on them and see if you can improve them. Ideawise I’m not sure which one I like better, although the car one is probably easier to improve than the other. I would say work on the one you like the best, and if you still cant decide work on the one you think will be easiest.

Well, i have a few critiques.

First of all, the “push the other guy off” game is kinda dumb, even if i try to hit the enemy i can’t unless he stops. And then all i have to do is let him circle me and fall of the edge. For a game where you have to push the other person off you’re gonna have to have a smaller arena or holes in the floor or some sort of weapon to knock the otehr player a far distance.

Second, the racing game is, well, you just can’t turn at all. Have you even played your own games? It’s kinda impossible to turn fast enough, and you bounce WAY too much when you hit the walls or other cars.

I’m not saying that these games couldn’t become fun, i’m just pointing out the obvious problems. If you just fix a couple problems you’ll be good.


The push the other guy off game is a stragity (sorry for spelling) game not bash each other up game

I like the colors in the spacegame zip. It’s a very unique experience. :smiley:

facemania said,
This is a little update on my racing game with textures and 2 player mode.
The controls for second player are pad8=forward pad2=backwords pad4=left
and pad6=right
If you dont want 2 player delete the second player.


P.S. I will have to remove your files tonight, must get back to some real work, LOL… :-?


I had trouble turning in your racing game, and I dont really understand the one where the characters hit each other.