I've been abusing Suzanne again. WC entry: Big Bang.

Hi all,

this is my first bit of Blending work for 2 weeks, weekend challenge entry.

Notice:- Only one monkey was hurt in this render and that was self inflicted pain.
—>http://reblended.com/www/sonix/Assets/Images/BigBangTM.jpg<— Link to larger render.

Methods used:-

300 Particles with red/yellow/black cloud textures, then saved render and used in world settings to save on render times.
5 planes each with they’re own explosion avi textures.
1 Suzanne, mutated, morphed and further screwed up by strong camera zoom settings.
1 extruded cube for the hand, and an extruded circle for the handgrip and red button.
Small amount of post work in PS5, for blurring and grain.

C and C welcome as always.


wait a minute…you mean YOU MADE the explosion at the back with particules??? ooh man…it look real to me, like a pic you took on google… :-?

other than that, great job!

Woot!! Thats one helluva explosion… :o

And it’s nice to see someone actually take the time to modify the suzanne mesh and make it more interesting before presenting a render.

Nice work :smiley:

Cheers guys, XWarrior, the real explosion on each plane is a real AVI video of an explosion. Each avi is 60 frames long, but each plane has an offset start frame. 1 at frame 1, 1 at frame 20 and 1 at frame 30. This is a render at frame 53.

The very background, (red and black fire clouds) is the result of particles with cloud textures and lots of alpha.

I didn’t mean to give the impression that I can achieve the explosion fx with particles, cos I can’t yet. :expressionless: Give me a few more days playing around and I might be able to.


hehe ok lol I thought so :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway Great job!

I had recently made a working body for suzanne just prior to my computer crash when I lost all my data… :-? but who can resist the ‘add monkey’ command for long? she is just so darn cute! I found that my initial tendancy was to make the torso too small,…but when i made her more barrel chested and gave her some nice strong arms, she came into focus. Here’s something I remember from the making of ‘greystoke’, that I found helpful when animating suzanne,…primates other then humans, walk very much as if carrying a ball between their legs, also when they go into bipedal mode, their arms are kept wide for balance. BTW very nice!

gotta tell you, Usually I don’t like these suzanne renders, but this one is actually pretty cool, you did a very good job on the expression :smiley: