I've met my favourite tv animator

Hi there,
I’m happy. Yesterday I was at a punkrock show like almost every WE. I was drunk (like every WE). And I saw the most pretty girl in Belgium: Armèlle.
She is a TV animator and she is soooo cute :o
We had a chat and I think I managed pretty well to hide my alcoholic condition.

PS: Also, a Belgian singer named Jeff Bodart was there, but who cares. 8)

[!] Dude! Hook Me UP!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Is she single?? Ya get her digits?
What shows does she do?

we just had a chat. That’s all, unfortunatly.
She is doing a show called “Cà tourne”. It’s about cinema and cultural events. She not only cute, she’s really charming and smart. To be honest I hate TV, but if I know she’s doning a tv show at night I surely wach 8)

WOOT! :o Igor what are you doing meeting beautiful women while I am sitting here with a virtual head?

IgorSandman, are you currently working in the Belgian film/broadcast industry that you got to meet her? Also, could you show some work of her here?

Sounds all too good to be true :smiley: (Not saying I don’t believe you!)

C’mon, we were at the same place at the same time, nothing more…
I’m not working in the Belgian film industry.
I must be a lucky bastard or something.

PS: I’m not in the belgian film industry, but I will… Promise. :slight_smile:

Okay :smiley:

Dude cool. Btw you come from Belgium, so do you know, Katja Schuurman? She’s an dutch actor, really pretty. I met her at her home.

I was on camp with some scouts, so hearded from a few persons that Katja Schuurman lived around the place where we were. So we made a deal, and splitted oure group in 2 team. Afther searching for a couple of hours, a person told us where she lived.

SO we went to the place, and we couldn’t find here home. But suddenly someone came out of a little house and said are you looking for someone? And that was Katja :o :o :o. So afther having a chat at her home, and having some drinks (cola, from Katja’s fridge :stuck_out_tongue: ) We had to leave because she had to work. She was sooo pretty. :expressionless:

See picture of Katja Schuurman (dutch actor): http://images.google.nl/images?q=katja+schuurman&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=nl&btnG=Google+zoeken