What are peoples thoughts?
Be very harsh as i would like it perfect eventually!
First Render
Second Render
Third Render
What are peoples thoughts?
Be very harsh as i would like it perfect eventually!
First Render
Second Render
Third Render
You could use HDRI image and get nice reflections. There should be some air in the to of the bottle that’s lying on the side. Maybe some logo on the bottle and on the top of the cap.
It looks like you are working on the new Jack Daniel’s bottle design.
That would be the one on the right.
There is a ring of glass at the base of the neck, and both the neck and the transition to the bottle are faceted. The curve on the transition is concave rather than convex. The bottle is signed ‘Jack Daniel’s’ in the glass on one of the facets of the transition. At the base of the bottle the bottle capacity (750 ml) is cast into the glass (difficult to see distinctly, but it does affect the appearance of the base) and the base is a bit thicker and more convex on the inside of the bottle. Finally, Jack puts a bit more booze into his bottles that you seem to have put in yours.
is this inn cycles ?
can you show nodes set up for glass and liquid
looks very nice and cool
happy cycles
The only problem I noticed was an empty bottle of Jack Daniels!
Looking really good so far.
haha thanks guys!
@polygonpusher i totally agree!
@rickyblender i will post my .blend in a sec, really isnt too hard!
@orinoco that is a perfect C&C that should be seen more often! i will work through this list! also just to add, do you think that the liquid is a bit too close to the glass?
@rune i agree that HDRI and labels will help complete it aswell, i will work on it tonight.
Anyone got a good tutorial on how to setup HDRI lighting?
thanks for sharing mode
I like the liquid / bottle contrast
are you doing a bar scene may be?
by the way , look on the right the liquid mesh is cutting the bottle!
happy bl
Notice, in the reference picture, that the texture of the seal around the bottle’s top is rather noisy … “grainy,” even … but also a rather good chance that this image has been digitally retouched. (I can’t otherwise explain the cleanly-vertical lines where the noise stops, nor the very slight tilt to the logo on the left hand side.) Remember, that in any product shot, “the Almighty Product™ is King,” and that “the Almighty Product Logo™” is absolutely the Ruler of the Universe.
The glass and the bottle are quite satisfactory. I would (speaking here in BI terms) add an entirely separate material for the wrapper, make it noisy, and maybe let the noise-density vary by angle to the camera. But then, exactly as an advertising photographer (or his trusty digital-darkroom assistant) would make :eek: sure to do, I would attach the Almighty Logo, using a cylindrical projection of course, on top of that texture, and use no noise at all. (A slightly-textured texture, yes, but very little.) This is not “realistic,” per se, but rather, intended to do what an ad-shooter would do and therefore what your eye is conditioned to expect when viewing an ad-shot.
The more I look at the liquid within the real (sic …) Bottles of Jack, the more frankly-suspicious I am that someone did not rather-clumsily paint out the horizontal glass-seam just above the label on the left hand bottle. Bending closer, I can see the trick: “yes, they did.” And, once you spot one airbrush, you know to look for another one. Which you quickly find, right beneath the label on the right-hand bottle. There is no red band printed on the bottom of that label, and it doesn’t extend all the way to the bend in the glass. (You can confirm that from the bottle on the left.) And yet, clearly, there it is. And they put a big white spray right underneath the band on that bottle, probably so that your eyes will “bounce upward” and land on The Almighty Logo™. All of which are things that, I know, advertising photographers (and retouchers) do.
(I’ll leave “spotting the subliminals” as an exercise to the reader … as usual, those are pretty ‘sexy’ bottles, although I’ll hazard that they think that Jack drinkers like country music.)
Anyhow, when copying an ad-shot of any commercial product, realize that your reference photo is not “real,” and that the choice is yours of whether you want reality or post-“post.” Either way is fine, but the former might seem “wrong” to your Madison Avenue-conditioned eye.
great detail in that last post, must admit i struggled to follow a few bits but after a re-read or two, i now understand.
in reply to that post, i am making my OWN art that very closely resembles a jack daniels bottle.
Art is meant to be a creative, but most importantly, eye catching!
who ever remembered that boring bit of art they saw online? how about that sketched skull with sharp teeth and red highlights?
the point im getting at is, yes this is a almost-copy of a jack daniels bottle but i am not interested in mimicing the real thing, im interested in the beauty of a PERFECT photo of a good glass subject.
so in many cases i use references, like a jack daniels bottle, but in many others i change it to what i like.
you will find this in all my work
Finally after that long explanation, @rickyrender:
i cant see what your saying about liquid cutting into the glass but trust me when i say there is a gap between the liquid object and glass object?
the reason it looks so close is because the glass is a 2d object
heres what happens when i make the glass have a little depth…
it now looks very wrong and i lose all the nice colors i had?
any tips on this?
And last of all, has anyone got a .blend of a studio lighting setup?
sorry I was looking in viewport and at certain scale you can see some mesh lines
see pic
but this may be some criss crossing but I ran the mesh analysis and your right mesh does not intersect at all
might be some bug in viewport drawing
there are several nodes set up for glass depending what effects you want to see like
refraction ,caustic, dispersion
do you have some of these set up for cycles?
let me do some test here
happy cycles
Has anyone got a .blend of a studio lighting setup?
@rickyBlender wow extensive tests huh?
i left default caustics on, ive used solidify but not so keen on it but will try it with a hdri lighting setup…
out of all your tests the one on the right looks the most visually pleasing because its busy-er than the rest!
i also have a critique to myself, theres no meniscus!
i think this could play an important part in the realism of my image?
the one on the right is yours and I do like the one on the left too
but always depends what look you want!
a meniscus might make it look more realist
but also solidify would make it more realist with refractions inside glass
happy bl
is there a way to make objects have a solid inside?
im not sure if this would make a difference but solidify makes a big difference so would a solid internal make it look any different?
I think your bottle looks a bit like plastic at the moment because it’s just too … immaculate.
Maybe it would look even more realistic with some difference in the refraction of the light while passing the glass.
In the real photo of #3 you can see it espacially at the bottom of the bottle.
okay to stay on track, heres the list:
After All That, I would like to add a few ideas into the mix…
the scene setting is my next concern:
my first thought is a bar but that could prove quite hard, the other thought is a coffee table, the final thought is on a desk next to a moniter, keyboard and mouse?
what do you guys think?
on other thing look at your cap
I think it could use some thickness at the bottom just a little bit
would look more 3d may be
happy bl