I’ve always wanted to try making my own versions of Charles Dickens’ ghosts from “A Cristmas Carol.”
I created the basic character using Makehuman and imported it into Blender as a DAE.
Everything else (including the clothing) was created in Blender.
I tweaked the image textures from Makehuman for the character by converting them to gray scale, and changed the eyes texture to emit the eerie blueish light.
I have always had a soft-spot for “A Christmas Carol,” no matter how many ways people have now done it. (My wife tells me every Christmas, “oh, please …”)
This is a very good Marley, especially in the second-frame close-up. (Any interest in doing a short movie of the scene?)
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Thanks for the feedback! A movie of the scene sounds intriguing, but I’m not sure my time schedule would allow it right now.