
This is something I started today - Took me long enough :eek:
I tend to get very (I was about to write anal, but it sounds wrong in more than one way:p) perfectionistic when Im working with reference pictures and it takes up a lot of time; about half done with details and then awaits a long long session of UV-mapping it :slight_smile:

Edit: New render


wow thats very nice
and you said u started tuday?

That don’t even need textures! Dang! Great work.

All I can say is this is very humbling for me:confused: That is a lot of good work for a day.

Thx for you comments ! :slight_smile:

Unfortunatly (:p) I have to go the the parents for the next few days so no updates on it for a while

Made some small adjustments and added details, and now ive begun uvmapping it- so take a look :slight_smile:

Really really nice tank. I never could model one.

Where the barrel meets the main body could use some work. It looks like it i can see into the tank.

for a today work… i could NEVER work that fast… thats more of a months work for me… just on moddeling >.<

and i must say i was disapointed when i saw the title… and found only a basic tank… which looks great by the way… but i was hoping for hte jagdpanther from the gun gryffen series >.<

really cool tank… but i think it misses something… maybe a BIGG machine gun on top of it… with a rotation head… maybe :slight_smile:

looks really cool


Damnit JDA how the hell did you find those?! I’ve scoured the internet for hours, D/L whatever I came across and never found that site - only e few of those images - Thx you’re a buddy! :stuck_out_tongue:

narven: Thx - Im trying to keep it as close to the original as possible :slight_smile:

ps. New image - time to hit the hay and finish it tomorrow or the day after. yawn

It says that page doesn’t exist. [?]

No server.

Progressing slowly now that it’s nearing the end - can’t seem to get the crisp and high detail render I want from yafray :confused:

Note: this is rendered with default AA and low GI so these particular renders are just for show here :slight_smile:

Changed colors on the textures and dirtmapped it thoroughly.

So now; take your best blows at me, I wanna know what I can improve upon! :slight_smile:


Redo the road wheels.
Add a light on the front left


Yeah, the light is missing.
What wrong with the wheels - elaborate pls :slight_smile:

I think, the chains are too lax, don’t know, how it is on the real pendant, but the part above the wheels should be straight, not hanging down onto them, because there may be some hard barricade, that would block the chassis and may result in the chain jumping over their joints.


Go there and look at image P1010194.JPG
Now look at your road wheels.
See the difference?

Wow, this is definitely something, huh. :slight_smile: Good work. How many verts is that?

Yeah well uh, no defence, I dragged this out so long :sigh: :slight_smile:

Milky - bout half a mil.

I’ve finished this and posted it here http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=67388

I kinda like the outcome :slight_smile:
