I’ve just built a few models in blender for MacOS X (the beta version of Blender for this platform)
I have some real bad jaggies on diagonal lines though, and it doesn’t seem to get any better with oversampling, even when set to 16.
Is this because the version for OS X is beta? How do I get rid of these jaggies - have not had chance to test the same file on another platform yet, help appreciated, because they are really ruining the realism of my work.
You have to be a member of the Blender Foundation to be able to download 2.25. Anybody who submits/submitted the $50 to the blender foundation will be able to download it. It will be released to the general public sometime in October I think.
Are the diagonal lines from an Texure image map or an modeled object?
If its from an Texture image map, under its settings (below the Load Image button) try setting the Filter to .10. You can also try turning off the MipMap (provides a sharper image when off, but can increase render time per manual).
Can’t say I’ve used the OSX beta of Blender 2.23, but could use the motion blur feature? If there’s nothing moving in your pic, then this should work. See here: http://freespace.virgin.net/hugo.elias/graphics/x_motion.htm (Note: this is a general graphics article, not specific to blender. Read the part about spatial antialiasing)
Like I said, if there’s nothing moving in your picture, then the motion blur function works as a separate spatial AA function.