

I am getting jaggies from yafray when an object is overlit. But I want to overlit it in 3d and not in post. Does someone know good settings to overcome this? And - I would need to render 1:1. (780×240 px), it will be a somewhat futuristic metallic scene, for web and needs to be quite smooth. Rendertimes are also an issue. Test render is only to test colors and how colorscheme reacts on autolevels etc. in post.

Another: I tried to tweak xml in Microsoft’s XML notepad and it corrupted the scene xml. (well, yafray didn’t want to render even if I just opened and re-saved it, without tweaking).

Set your AA setting to about 4 minimum. Also, increase the Mini AA samples to the same number as your AA settings.

That should do it.

Render times will be increased, but that is what you get when you use a raytracer.