Hey guys!
So, I was surprised surfing around the net, that I couldn’t find an authentic and useful model of the great white shark from Steven Speilberg’s 1975 movie JAWS (my favorite movie!) So, I guessed it was time to make one!!!
I’ve been using, pics, movie clips, and drawings of “Bruce” to put the model together, and I’m nowhere near finished!
I still need all the side fins, teeth, gills, eyes, textures, etc.
I hope you enjoy it as it grows!!!
wow great model, the olnly thing i have to crit on and i may be wrong when i say this but the upper jaw doesnt look like it connects to the lower jaw at the bottom of the mouth (or at least how it should connect) other than that great job!
Nice so far, waiting to see what the textures are gonna look like.
Looks good… where’s the air canister for me to shoot and blow up this monster?
JK, looking mean already. Remember to rig and pose this meanie under the swimmer like the poster - maybe use Mancandy for the swimmer,huh?
Thanks for the feedback! Here’s today’s update on Bruce.
Got teeth, eyes, side fins, now on to cleanup, textures and rigging!
Looks good, needs more teeth I think, and a little more randomness to the angle of the smaller rows. The eye bugs me a little, and I think it’s because it seems to just sit on the mesh, where I think it should be sitting into the mesh - the mesh should have a lip around the eye, maybe?
Anyway, good to see this coming along. Scary as hell - I saw the movie when I was 9, and I wouldn’t go near the toilet or the bathtub for weeks without my cap gun