Jay-Man's Evil Conscience

So back one year ago I made a character called Jay-Man. He’s kinda a mock of Rayman, but a robot. :smiley: Well this is my first day of summer vacation, and I have worked all day on making Jay-Man’s evil conscience in Blender. I had designs in two-d of him, but now I have him bigger and badder than ever!
This is the first time that I have made working reflections, good looking metal, fireballs that emit light, and a few other things thrown in.
The background was made in Terragen, and actually forms a box around Evil Jay-Man, that way the reflections work all around.
Now I have the job of making the good Jay-Man conscience. He is light blue and sits on a cloud. How can I emit a cloud? Or maybe he can have feet, and just sit on the cloud. :-?
Well, tell me what you think of this piece. I’ll be back with the good soon. lol

Looks good to me! only thing that bugs me are the wings…seem unfinieshed.

He´s a strange but cool little robot. But If he had arms, he would be able to beat up people and really be mean!

Clouds can be made using the Halo function in procedural textures in Blender. Good luck!

actually those lil’ balls at his sides are hands. they are equipped with densified hologram projectors, but he is just the evil conscience of Jay-Man. He wouldn’t fight, just try to make Jay-Man do it. :nods:
I have a lot done on Jay-Man’s Good Conscience now, and he is looking good. I just need to get the cloud done. lol
umm… what do u mean that the wings look unfinished?