Does anyone know what will open archives that end in .JCL? I’ve got a file that presumeably is an uncompressed archive. It contains a few .RAW audio files, some 3D models of unknown format and a mass of bitmaps. I’ve tried the usual tricks of trying to open it as a tarball and a cab file without luck.
Is it possible that the extension of the file is wrong and you just need to retype it? Some people make up their own file extensions so that if they have two programs that open the same file they can pick which program to open it with simply by naming it with one extension or another. Is it possible this one is a wrong extension?
Ahhhhh this sounds to me like a proprietary file format that is NOT designed to be opened by people not involved with the development of the software. Short of decompiling the games somehow to find out how they access the data, it doesn’t, at least to me, that you’ll be able to open these files. I could be wrong as always.