Finished Things: First of all! A Major correction! The game is based on “The Second Crusade” not the first …
River Scene (It has a somewhat animated reflecting surface )
Camera & Walking (Works Perfectly now )
Weapons, atleast for starters…
Human model (Not mine)
And a horse
- All weapons and the horse have been optimized for the blender GE (Lowpoly)
Jerusalem: The Second Crusade
The Crusades
The first Crusade, “to bear the cross”, was a holy war against Islam called by Pope Urban II at the Council of Clermont in 1095 AD. He exclaimed, “God wills it!” and told the clergy, knights and peasants present that their goal was twofold: to get back the lands of the Christian empire of Byzantium (Constantinople) in from a band of Turks who had recently converted to Islam and to liberate Jerusalem from the “godless infidel” – Muslims who had occupied Jerusalem peacefully for hundreds of years. The first Crusade was successful; Jerusalem was occupied and a Christian king enthroned.
By offering this assistance to the Christian empire and church of the East, Pope Urban thought he could help mend the first schism between the Church in Rome and Byzantium in 1054. Ultimately, this did not prove to be the case. The Crusades were also about protecting trade routes within and between East and West. At no time during the Crusades did any Christian leader understand the faith and culture of Islam. They demonized Muslims through ignorance and greed and created an enemy to be righteously exterminated.
It must be noted that the Crusades were not explicitly against the Jews. They had not inhabited Jerusalem in great numbers since the Roman destruction of the Temple in 70 AD which drove them into exile a second time. Ignorant Christians, however, incited by a terribly misdirected religious fervor, began attacking and killing Jewish people in Europe and the Middle East every time a Crusade was called.
All together, eight Crusades were called over the span of 200 years, though the fighting never stopped. Europeans, in great hordes of poor peasants, knights, and whole families, made their way to the East to supposedly liberate Jerusalem. They made the journey because they were promised the kingdom of heaven in return: forgiveness of sins, expiation of all guilt, and a spiritual reward in the kingdom of heaven; some hoped for material and political gain as well. They died by the tens of thousands on their journey or pilgrimage. From the First Crusade until 1184 - 1187 AD, the time of our story, a European Christian king ruled Jerusalem. And for the most part, Muslims and Christians lived peacefully together.
Ultimately, the Crusades were spurred on by misunderstood religious enthusiasm rather than faith. They were a doomed enterprise from the beginning for civilization; we continue to experience their effects even now.
You will be able to choose many things, are you Christian, Jewish or Muslim? From France? Italy? Arabia?.
Are you strategic? Or just head-on violent?.
Are you good? Or evil?
What do you look like?
What are your abilities?
Will you alter the world?
It will be an Action Packed RPG (LAN maybe?), full of dramatic music, epic scenes of battle and grief…
Great Landscape, maybe Criss can help?
There will be many combat types, swift and deadly(Dual wielding), slow and chrushing(Claymore), Strategic or head-on, ranged and melee…
You decide!
By what you do every day, you will be a good man, or not…
Go now! “The Holy Land” awaits you!
(V 0.100 Beta)
River Scene (Without Splash)
Sword, Axe, Flail, Shield()
Character (Phycics)?, AI…
(V 0.200 Beta)
River Scene (With Splash)
Short/Longsword(s), Claymore, Axe(s), Doubleheaded Axe(s), Flail(s), Shield(s)
Armor Variation , Leather, Ring/Chain/Platemail
+River Reflect (Phycics)?
(V 0,300 Beta)
River Scene (With Splash & Reflection)
Same weapons + (Dual), Dagger and Bows
Abilities,Menus,Kills, Headshots, etc, etc…
(V 1.000 Alpha)
3 Scenes (Icluding River Scene)
Weapons, Armor, Mounts, Bloodsplats and Decals, Dust…
Now you are probably sitting there thinking; What the f***? What is Splash? And making a reflecting surface, what are you dum? Thats so easy!
Well I’m talking about when you hit a river some water/splash effect should take place…And like not just blue, crappy water, I mean the real deal!
Anyway I’m getting the hang of camera control and movement, but I need help with AI, Parenting objects In-Game(Making the Character climb the horse, grabbing the sword, etc, etc. And health! How do I create health?
Pretty much all the models have been made ; Swords, Axes, Spears, Daggers, Horses, Landscape, etc, etc…
Now here are some pictures…
Landscape (River Scene)
Man (I didin’t make him/it)
Common Sword
Common Sword 1
Common Axe
Common Battle Axe
Viking Sword
Viking Sword 1
Common Dagger
Common Dagger 1
Common Dagger 2
Oh, and I was wondering, if any of you are familiar with the knife script?
It works excatly like a knife, just cut the models out, no need for careful vertic placement…
Anyway, maybe this could be implented to the weapons?