Jesterking vs. Goofster

Just a short quote from the blendercoders irc channel that I thought was funny :slight_smile:

<Goofster> you could use the undo s…no wait, never mind me

  • jesterKinky never minds Goofster
    <Goofster> thanks for never minding me!
    <jesterKinky> yw
    <jesterKinky> it was difficult, though
    <Goofster> I know, I’m a minding kinda person
    <jesterKinky> (but are you caring?)
    <Goofster> why do you care if I’m caring? mind your own business
    <jesterKinky> Goofster, because I don’t mind caring, even though I not always care minding
    <Goofster> jesterKinky, ahhh ok. never mind then
    <jesterKinky> Goofster, consider it done!
    <Goofster> jesterKinky, you said that a little too easy, like you never minded at all
    <jesterKinky> Goofster, do you care?
    <Goofster> nah I don’t mind
    <jesterKinky> thought so!

Jesterkinky eh :stuck_out_tongue:


:smiley: maybe?

haha! :smiley:

you two truly love each other don’t you.

so caring of the both of you to mind so much.



post it on!