well, yeah he really handles like a fish. But for now, that is the best way of moving him. But as said before, i’ll try to put more content to it soon…
-added a box that holds cubes
-added a “trapdoor”
-colored things a bit
-added a “rope”
-added a a hanging “paper”
-updated other scenery a bit
slowed down the speed a bit
that “paper slip” is on the right side of the… middle thingy. The trapdoor is behind the thingy. the rope is in middle of thingy. The box is also in the middle of the thingy.
Do you have the new 2.43 previw 11c? It is needed to make this demo work fine… otherwise he just falls apart.
EDIT: and shmunkyman33, i got the helmet for him just that i dont release it because of an helmet. I will try to figure out something other that needs changing/adding. (But i cant really figure out what could done… And i dont really know a better way to move him right now…)
well i guess im out of ideas… anyone have an idea?
Well cannons… hmm well i was thinking of making traps like spikes and stuff. I dont know bout the health bar but i could make lives or something. Or then just an instadeath after hitting somethin.
-Traps(spikes and cannons for now)
-Character has helmet
-Now has walls
-Oh, and a 3rd person camera(thanks for vertex parent tut Blendenzo)
-camera is a bit cocky
-torso doesnt always react to traps
-Cannons sometimes refuse to shoot
report bugs if you find.
oh and i have been consindering turning this a small game project. It is possible.
-Arms and legs shield from attacks
-Head and torso are vulnerable
-Get to the exit (the gray… thingamabob at the end to finish)
I hope you like it.
EDIT: Oh, and shmunkyman33, i didnt read your post entirely. It might be a good idea that when a bodypart is hit, it’ll disappear. Ill try putting it up.
for now, enjoy
Ideas are welcome. If i ever get the project up, i’ll announce it in an another thread. I’ve come up with a name: Yet Another Jetpack Game(YAJG). Really needs a new name, so i can take name suggestions too.