JFlow Alpha - GPU accelerated Fire and Smoke Simulator

Hello there.

Sorry for a long time with no update. I’m working really hard on a commercial project about unified multi-physics solver for blender as well as working as a researcher on University. Additionally I’m recently married so combining those 3 things I had very little time for keeping up with updates about JFlow. Sorry for that :frowning:

Overall I’ve learned a lot of things during this time so when I have some more time I think I may focus on developing 3rd iteration of JFlow.

The big plan is to make it simulate Liquid and Smoke and Granular and Softbodies and Snow, etc. in one simulation and interact with each other.
So we would have something similarly powerful as Houdini. Just a bit worse. But definitely something we don’t have in most software.

So plans are huge and some small parts of this system are already developed so it’s a matter of polishing and combining it into one system. I don’t know exactly how long it’ll take but I’ll try my best :slight_smile: