Ok, but forgive me my english. I’m not a native speaker, and it is a little embarrassing. I feel dumb because I have to use simple sentences.
So, first of all my workflow is very messy, but fortunately Blender is very forgiving in this matter.
First I tried polymodeling on her head. Just as I modeled the Lady Mechanika.
it looked pretty good as a statue until I have added texture and it turned into a disaster. I have not kept renders because they were offending this beautiful woman.
I separated the head as a separate object (as shown in the first post) and started dynamic topology sculpt. It is easier for me than multiresolution sculpt. And it is easier to get to the likeness to real person.
Then retopology over dyntopo object, and added two new modifiers to the head. Multiresolution (3 Subdiv) and shrinkwrap.
If you apply Shrinkwrap preceded by the Multiresolution, details are “baked” into multires. It was a great surprise to me that it works that way. It is a killer feature!
You can also join nad bridge two objects with the same level of multires and then smooth “welding” using sculpt mode.
You can see “welding” on neck:
The same way I have sculpted, retopologized and joined feet and hands, however some ugly picks on multires did apeared, it was not so easy to smooth them out.
Hand is much easier to sculpt than foot. While sculpting foot i had to mask and hide a lot to sculpt in-between the toes.
I have been using cgcookie contour tool for retopo of the hand (fingers), but retopo of the foot it’s nightmare.
If I wrote something unintelligible, ask me a question. I will try to clarify
I can also show you how I made the eyeballs and hair if you are interested.
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