Joan of Arc [Canceled]

I’m trying to make Joan of Arc Tutorial with Blender 2.41

this is the main character

and the sword :

Sword finished :

Update :

Update :

umm… where are the wires?! oh and i like the boots :wink:

Nice but maybe make the head have a few bumps in to get rid of that cut in half sphere look.If you don’t understand what i mean maybe look at my head here
Just ignore the face and look at the top and back of the head.:smiley:
Hope ive helped

The hardest part is done !

Upadte… again

Mesh-based hair :

I think I will replace it with particule-based hairs…

gloves :

New update :

Spip2001, could you note places where you had to deviate from their explicit step by step tutorial in order to make it work in Blender?

I tried just the hands/gloves portion of the tutorial once, and got very messed up with some of their “simple” subdivide, or loopcut steps.

Nicely done model, by the way.

If you look well, you’ll see my gloves aren’t well formed. Making the four fingers following the tutorial is quite simple, but modeling the inch is the hardest part. I don’t like the gloves I’ve made…

Update :

The belt

I am also working on a Joan of Ark. Nice work but her belt need some help.

I myself have only started the body so seeing your model take shape is very motivating for me thanks.


Starting working on textures :

WOW! iv tryed the Joan of Arc tut about 50 times and iv never ecer got it as good as yours is now. Are you going to skin it?

First hair test : “Rasta Joan”

Still texturing :

This tutorial made me learn a lot about Blender abd I decided to stop here with this project and to start another one…