Well, I decided to take a crack at the Joan of arc tutorial. Don’t know if it’s just me being a perfectionist or not, but I don’t think I’m doing all that great, particularly in shaping the abdomen… Anyway, any crits and comments are appreciated. Here’s the .blend so far: link
Looks pretty good! You’ve got maybe a couple of vertices out of place on the abdomen causing a slight ridge down the centerline and some subtle ridges extending to either side, very hard to spot. A simple way to get rid of them might be to select the abdomen area, use smooth a few times (which will also tend to flatten the belly), then with the proportional editing tool turned on, pull the center of the belly out into a nice rounded shape.
Thanks, I’ll try to spot what you mentioned and fix it.
Excellent job so far:D! For the abdomen, it looks a little too flat… You could add more verts and maybe (depending on how muscular you want it…) add slight ridges for the abdominal muscles. But very good so far :eyebrowlift:.
I just finished page 4 of the body part of the tutorial. I apologize for the dense wire frame, I forgot to turn optimal draw on.
edit mode
solid ortho
wire ortho
[Edit] Also, here’s the current .blend
I’ve finished the body part of the tutorial! Any critiques withstanding, I’ll do the head next. Here’s the current .blend. link