Joi (Ana De Armas)

Hello~ everyone I’d like to share my latest personal work Joi (Ana De Armas), all done in blender3d and it took me 10 days to finish. Hope you enjoy it~



Super! Very cool model. Looks so alive, I can’t believe this is a 3D model


Fantastic work once again. I cant beleive how fast you can put these together. The likeness is great and your attention to detail is beyond me. (That mole on the right cheek caught my eye and I was impressed to find she actually had a mole in that location.)

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You are too good at it man, This has came out really well. Loved the hair details and the materials here :raised_hands:t3:

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Really really nice (and your actress choice was really good :heart_eyes: ).
It’s difficult for me to comment as I’m not able to do anything like this but there are something that give me strange feelings.

  1. looking at the first 2 images, it seems that the head is a bit smaller comparing the rest of the body. I can’t understand if it’s the outfit or the camera point of view or what other but I have this feeling.

  2. there is a bulge in the middle of the upper part of the chest that seems a bit too much height. I know that it’s where the shoulders bones meet themselfs but those bones seems to much evident, seems near like she’s naked and you can see the bones.

Obviously, if you have photo references that proves I’m wrong, ignore my comments.

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you~~~

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Wow, very realistic!

enough with the reference photos. show us what you did!! :laughing:

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Here you are~~~
saika fu - YouTube
I’ve put all my processing on my YT channel~~
go and check it~~

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dude, that’s awesome. thanks for sharing that, i will watch for sure. just subbed btw
hope you got my joke tho, that it was a huge compliment, your work is so realistic that i thought it was reference photos :slightly_smiling_face:

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Don’t worry about that~~
I just want to show off my YT channel~~~hahaha~


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Mega Super Good ! TOP !

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Wow! Amazing realism . .

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What kind of drugs do you take? Or maybe you live near a black hole and time dilation makes your 10 days be 10 weeks for us mere mortals.

Excellent work. What else am I supposed to say.

greetings, Kologe

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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Thank you~~

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It’s super realistic. The lighting is really great too.

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Is there a way you would share the blend file?

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Excuse my gushing: Wow!

Also thanks for this important clarification:

Double wow!

And the fact you’ve actually shown how you’ve done that by showing your streams on Youtube!

Today you have a new fan and Blender has a new hero!