Joined Metal Pipe from Curve

I created some edges and vertices to create an abstract looking metal pole type concept.

I started with a vertice, extruded some edges and then selected two vertices and hit “F” to join them to save time. Then selects object > convert to > curve

Then when adding depth I noticed that a lot of the joins don’t appear to be connected, I’m confused to if I did something wrong when building this or if there is a setting I missed.


Examples of some edges appearing joined and not:

Screenshot 2022-06-05 101703
Screenshot 2022-06-05 101730

Joining of more than two edges is not supported by Blender’s curves, as far as I know…

you can use the wireframe or skin modifier instead, but for the best results you will probably have to use a Boolean union of multiple cylinders and clean up the geometry afterwards.

Yepp: not only blender… curves in mathematics don’t have forks…

Edges to pipes manual method:

  1. Start with boxy shape, triangulate how you want it
  2. Delete all faces (X → Delete Only Faces)
  3. Manually separate all edges from each over with Y
  4. Object menu → Convert → Curve
  5. Add depth in curve data settings
  6. Object menu → Convert → Mesh
  7. Add uv sphere to corner, tweak number of segments \ rings until it fits
  8. Duplicate wire mesh and instance spheres on it’s verts
  9. Shade smooth for tube cage and spheres

Or as geometry nodes modifier, left is input, right is output:

Uses cycles bevel shader to visually weld tubes and spheres:

Download: mesh_to_pipes.blend (164.1 KB)

Cons of this method: it’s just unconnected spheres and cylinder meshes, only fit for rendering. Also bevel shader only works in cycles. But if you only need this for rendering when it’s much prettier solution than skin or wireframe modifier.