In this picture is the head of a little robot I’m making. These gray dots are screws that hold peices together. I want to join the screws to the head so when I move the head I can move them all. But when I do Ctrl-J, the head becomes gray and the subsurf value decrease-the head becomes like the screws. How can I join two stuff together but still keeping them in different properties. Thanks.
on the left you have the different material there
you select the material abd you can chabge the color as you wish
now select all the bolts faces then select the material you want and you assign theses faces
to the selected material
hope it’s clear
if not you can always check in the wiki book for multi material
If you want it just so that they move together you could parent the screws to the robot with ctrl+p, so when you move it, so do the screws.
Thanks to all of you. But, Ricky, I didn’t understand what you said or how you got there. And Otto, I tried that but it didn’t work. HOw exactly do you parent it? I selected everything and hit Ctrl-P, but when I moved the head, only the head moved.
I would go with parenting also, Just select all the little bits first and make sure you select the head last. Then use Ctrl-P. The last item you select will be the parent the rest of the selected items will be it’s children.
thanks, it worked