Idk what happened, what buttons i pressed by accident, but every time i join meshes some of the meshes that get joined darken/shaded. This has happened to me before, but it was so long ago i forgot how to make it stop Lol! Heres a pic to see what i mean:
In this one everything is shaded. Ik i can go to edit mode and press Cntrl+N and it gets rid of the shading, but it seems like a setting or something is set and if thats the case i wanna reset it so it stops doing that, its kinda pain in the behind to go the edit mode and do it everytime. It started doing this about 2 weeks ago and enough is just enough.
I’m not sure why this would be happening all the time for you, but it is a risk with joining meshes that the normals get messed up and you have to ‘recalculate outside’. Don’t think there’s any setting that would stop that happening but I could be wrong…
Well actually now that i think about it, it happens very often and not particularly all the time. Most models so it and some dont. Even with very new meshes i add it does this. Its never happened until a week or 2 ago. Even in a new Blender File it does this. I did however install the latest version of Blender. Maybe its a new thing? i used 2.69 until a week or 2 ago.
Update: With researching i found out that everytime you add a mesh, Double Sided is supposed to be checked by default but mine is always unchecked, Still trying to find out how to make it defualt